Impact Youth | Annual Registration Form

Impact Youth | Registration Form 2023

Please note: this Registration Form only needs to be completed ONCE annually. You do not need to fill out a new one for each youth event.

Personal Details of the Young Person

Parent/Carer Contact Details

Emergency Contacts

Medical ID

Medical Allergies/ Concerns

Tip: Specify ANY MEDICAL CONDITIONS, INCLUDING allergies, food allergies or other special needs that the child/ individual may have, and outline any management plan. ( These details will help us care for the children/ individual in the best possible way.) If your son/daughter/ individual needs any medicine or tablets during the time they are away from you , this matter should be discussed with the leader prior to the commencement of the activity.

Important Documents

Medical Release

By accepting the Medical Information for you undertand/ agree that:

  • Team Leader for this program have your consent to take whatever action necessary to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the group or individual participants under their care (this includes your child)
  • If your child becomes ill or is injured and you cannot or your nominated alternative emergency contact person(s) cannot be contacted, Team Leaders may obtain on your behalf whatever medical treatment is deemed necessary. You also agree to pay for such medical expenses.
  • If you fail or neglect to provide sufficient and current information in writing to enable the proper treatment of your child, no liaility will be accepted for any injury or illness, which your child may suffer as a result.
  • Your child's doctor  or may be contacted in the case of any emergency.
  • An ambulance may be called in the case of an emergency.
  • Should any of your child's medical information change you will inorm us as soon as possible.

Privacy Statement

Protecting your privacy 

Protecting your privacy is important to us. The information we seek allows us to manage risks, provide reasonable care and administer your child/young persons's involvement in our program. We are careful to keep your information confidential, stored securely and provide it only to those agents acting on behalf of the church who need it to enable them to perform their agreed activities (e.g a Team Member providing First Aid). We only ask for information that is necessary for the purpose outlined in this statement. In some circumstances, if you do not provide us with all the requested information, your child/young person could miss the opportunity to be involved in our program. For more information please contact us (ph 5231 1106 or email:

Photo/Video Release

We are requesting permission to take photographs or record video footage of your child for express use on publications, multi-media presentations or websites belonging to the church. As you are aware, there are potential dangers associated with the posting of personally identifiable information on a web site since global access to the Internet does not allow us to control who may access such information. These dangers have always exsisted; however, we do want to celebrate your child and their experiences. No personally indentifiable information regarding your child will be published or provided to other organizations or individuals, except where this information is required by law, reporting suspected abuse or neglect, or in the case of an emergency. [Personally indentifiable information includes: participants names, photo or image, residential address, email address or phone numbers.] If you, as Parent/ Carer, wish to rescind this agreement, you may do so at any time.

For more information please contact us (Ph: 5231 1106, or email:



Transport Permission

Impact Youth cares about the safety of all involved in their programs and events. All drivers for any event or program must be screened and approved by CFC before being allowed to transport any youth members.

By ticking the box, I give permission for Impact Youth to transport my child/young person to and from Impact Youth programs/events/gatherings in the church van and private vehicles, driven by persons approved to drive by CFC Colac.